The following examples of artwork welcome your interpretations. This selection of work represents my responses to various questions I’ve challenged myself with and expressed in the form of mixed media drawings, paintings, prints, Artist’s Books, sculptural photographs or Photosculptures, and multi-part art installations in a spectrum of formal and informal settings. Overall, my adventures consider how the natural world connects everything either directly or accidentally and in ways that presently defy the touch of our most sensitive and sophisticated technological innovations.
The History of Conflict Resolution (1992), mixed media on synthetic canvas with collage, 2.5ft. x 11ft. x 3in.
Several decades ago I embarked on an adventure in aesthetics and creative inquiry, in which I integrated the arts and sciences with this expressed purpose: To explore the nature and work of A.R.T., or All Representations of Thought. Essentially, that encompasses everything our minds have produced in the History of Ideas, Inventions & Innovations. All this material can be used as “art works” that enhance our understanding of the world. It can also be creatively and wisely applied in inventing our collective future.
The artworks presented here suggest how we might bridge our polarized ways of categorizing the world: art as subjective and suggestive; science as objective and demonstrative. I find that our experiences of art and science are only limited by our definitions of these concepts. We tend to experience things by how we define them: The broader the definition, the deeper and richer our experiences become with imagination.
Split Second (2011)
One of many premises ventured in these artworks is that the human brain shapes and influences every aspect of all its creations. That’s the upshot: Everything is “mind-made.” Every detail of our built environment is brain-related. Regardless of whether some thing we’ve made resembles the brain either in form or appearance, there are deep connections. In order to gain a richer understanding of brainworks, ultimately we need to gather the clues in our myriad creations.
Spotting Seven Patterns in One Pattern of Nature (2000-2004)
“Breaking the Mind Barrier” conveys my deep concern and desire to understand how our minds innovate things—especially, things that we know and see are destructive to ourselves. The expression mind barrier refers to the interrelated barriers of prejudices, fears, languages, education, disciplines, and competencies. To break through the mind barrier is to see through these obstacles of communication. It is a necessary action in seeing the unity of nature and information.
Breaking the Mind Barrier (1986)